Local community and voluntary groups have received £4,410 in community grants, thanks to the latest round of quarterly grants from Tamworth Borough Council.
Five groups have all been awarded grants between £410 - £1,000, from the Community Grants scheme that is available for community, not for profit organisations or for identified not for profit projects, to work collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of the residents of Tamworth.
The latest awards have been given to the following groups:
- Belgrave Allotment and Garden: £1,000 towards their ‘Ground to Table’ project and community engagement events, encouraging people to grow and eat organic fruits and vegetables.
- Changes: £1,000 towards rental costs for a building to hold mental health support sessions.
- Park Farm Social Club: £1,000 towards venue hire costs for weekly social and befriending meetings, that offer light breakfast bingo, raffle and outings, to promote befriending and socialising for community members who feel lonely and isolated.
- St Editha’s Tamworth: £410 towards their winter warmer sessions offering free hot soup, hot drinks and a place warm to meet. Sessions are held in St Editha’s Church café on Wednesday’s 2pm until 4pm.
- Tamworth Stroke Patients and Carers Group: £1,000 towards hosting a Christmas meal, room hire, refreshments for support sessions and transport costs for group outings.
Councillor Sarah Daniels, portfolio holder for co-operative council, community partnerships and ASB, said: “We want to continue to support as many local groups, individuals and organisations as possible in our local communities.
“Each quarter we award between four and ten local groups or individuals with a fund allocation of up to £1,000 per application. We welcome the first application to the grant scheme from Tamworth Stroke Patients and Carers group. The £1,000 award will help them deliver a Christmas celebration meal and support for stroke patients and their family and carers.
“We have been delighted to support many new projects over the years including grants to Tamworth Foodbank, Community CIC, New Urban Era, Tamworth Have a Heart, sports clubs and sports individuals, local churches, nature reserve groups, Tamworth Pantry, local scouts and brownie groups and many more!
“If your organisation or group is looking to hold a community event, launch a new scheme, reach out to the community, or is short of funding to support existing projects; then please get in touch for more information about the next awards available.”
More information about grants can be found online at: www.tamworth.gov.uk/grants
Applications for next the round of grants will be published at: www.tamworth.gov.uk/community-grants.
The Community Grants scheme is available for community, not for profit organisations or for identified not for profit projects to work collaboratively and flexibly to meet the needs of our communities.
Grants will be awarded for projects/activities that can meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Helps tackle the causes of inequality in our communities
- Helps develop and safeguard our environment and open spaces
- Increases opportunities to participate in arts, heritage, and sports activities
- Increases volunteering and civic pride
- Helps tackle causes and effects of poverty and financial hardship
- Considers talented sporting individuals, who by achievement in sports promote Tamworth as a place.
- Promotes and develops community cohesion
All grants should continue to demonstrate value for money and value to the people of Tamworth and have specific outcomes that can be recorded.
The pot available is a total of £15,590 per year and shared out on a quarterly basis.
On 1 February 2024, Cabinet approved the management of Tamworth Borough Council’s Community Grant and Councillor Grant Scheme through The Community Foundation for Staffordshire.
It has been agreed that Nominations and Grants Committee will now consider applications to the Community Grants Scheme up to four times per year.